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Legend (VIS/Vegetation_HunterGreater_v4_3855)

Keith_Formation (0)
Woodlands Woodlands
Wet sclerophyll forests Wet sclerophyll forests
Western Slopes Grasslands Western Slopes Grasslands
Shrublands Shrublands
Saltmarshes Saltmarshes
Riverine Forests Riverine Forests
Rainforests Rainforests
Maritime Grasslands Maritime Grasslands
Mangrove Swamps Mangrove Swamps
Littoral Rainforests Littoral Rainforests
Freshwater wetlands Freshwater wetlands
Forested wetlands Forested wetlands
Dry sclerophyll forests Dry sclerophyll forests
Keith_Class (1)
Coast and Tableland Riverine Forests Coast and Tableland Riverine Forests
Coastal Dune Dry Sclerophyll Forests Coastal Dune Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Coastal Floodplain Wetlands Coastal Floodplain Wetlands
Coastal Freshwater Lagoons Coastal Freshwater Lagoons
Coastal Headland Heaths Coastal Headland Heaths
Coastal Heath Swamps Coastal Heath Swamps
Coastal Swamp Forests Coastal Swamp Forests
Coastal Valley Grassy Woodlands Coastal Valley Grassy Woodlands
Cool Temperate Rainforests Cool Temperate Rainforests
Dry Rainforests Dry Rainforests
Eastern Riverine Forests Eastern Riverine Forests
Hunter-Macleay Dry Sclerophyll Forests Hunter-Macleay Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Inland Floodplain Woodlands Inland Floodplain Woodlands
Inland Riverine Forests Inland Riverine Forests
Inland Rocky Hill Woodlands Inland Rocky Hill Woodlands
Littoral Rainforests Littoral Rainforests
Mangrove Swamps Mangrove Swamps
Maritime Grasslands Maritime Grasslands
Montane Bogs and Fens Montane Bogs and Fens
New England Dry Sclerophyll Forests New England Dry Sclerophyll Forests
New England Grassy Woodlands New England Grassy Woodlands
No equivalent No equivalent
North Coast Dry Sclerophyll Forests North Coast Dry Sclerophyll Forests
North Coast Wet Sclerophyll Forests North Coast Wet Sclerophyll Forests
North-west Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Woodlands North-west Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Woodlands
Northern Escarpment Dry Sclerophyll Forests Northern Escarpment Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Northern Escarpment Wet Sclerophyll Forests Northern Escarpment Wet Sclerophyll Forests
Northern Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests Northern Gorge Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Northern Hinterland Wet Sclerophyll Forests Northern Hinterland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
Northern Montane Heaths Northern Montane Heaths
Northern Tableland Wet Sclerophyll Forests Northern Tableland Wet Sclerophyll Forests
Northern Warm Temperate Rainforests Northern Warm Temperate Rainforests
Northern Wattle Dry Sclerophyll Forests Northern Wattle Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Pilliga Outwash Dry Sclerophyll Forests Pilliga Outwash Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Riverine Plain Woodlands Riverine Plain Woodlands
Saltmarshes Saltmarshes
South Coast Sands Dry Sclerophyll Forests South Coast Sands Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Southern Escarpment Wet Sclerophyll Forests Southern Escarpment Wet Sclerophyll Forests
Subtropical Rainforests Subtropical Rainforests
Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forests Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Sydney Coastal Heaths Sydney Coastal Heaths
Sydney Hinterland Dry Sclerophyll Forests Sydney Hinterland Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Sydney Montane Dry Sclerophyll Forests Sydney Montane Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Sydney Montane Heaths Sydney Montane Heaths
Sydney Sand Flats Dry Sclerophyll Forests Sydney Sand Flats Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Tableland Clay Grassy Woodlands Tableland Clay Grassy Woodlands
Wallum Sand Heaths Wallum Sand Heaths
Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests Western Slopes Dry Sclerophyll Forests
Western Slopes Grasslands Western Slopes Grasslands
Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands Western Slopes Grassy Woodlands
Western Vine Thickets Western Vine Thickets
Native_Vegetation_Type_Comm_14 (2)
Antarctic Beech/ Black Olive Berry/ Sassafras cool temperate rainforest in high altitude areas of the Barrington Tops Antarctic Beech/ Black Olive Berry/ Sassafras cool temperate rainforest in high altitude areas of the Barrington Tops
Antarctic Beech/ Sassafras cool temperate rainforest in high altitude areas of the Barrington Tops Antarctic Beech/ Sassafras cool temperate rainforest in high altitude areas of the Barrington Tops
Baloskion stenocoleum/ Bog Snow-grass sedgeland of the Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands Baloskion stenocoleum/ Bog Snow-grass sedgeland of the Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands
Baloskion stenocoleum/ Small-fruit Hakea wet heath of the Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands Baloskion stenocoleum/ Small-fruit Hakea wet heath of the Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands
Bangalow Palm/ Coachwood/ Sassafras gully warm temperate rainforest of the Central Coast Bangalow Palm/ Coachwood/ Sassafras gully warm temperate rainforest of the Central Coast
Black Booyong/ Brown Beech/ Soft Corkwood/ Rosewood Subtopical Rainforest on the escarpment of the lower North Coast Black Booyong/ Brown Beech/ Soft Corkwood/ Rosewood Subtopical Rainforest on the escarpment of the lower North Coast
Black Booyong/ Giant Stinging Tree/ Rosewood/ Moreton Bay Fig lowland subtropical rainforest of the lower North Coast Black Booyong/ Giant Stinging Tree/ Rosewood/ Moreton Bay Fig lowland subtropical rainforest of the lower North Coast
Black Olive Berry/ Black Sassafras cool temperate rainforest in high altitude areas of the Barrington Tops and New England Tablelands Black Olive Berry/ Black Sassafras cool temperate rainforest in high altitude areas of the Barrington Tops and New England Tablelands
Black Pine/ Red Ironbark/ Brown Bloodwood shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Black Pine/ Red Ironbark/ Brown Bloodwood shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Black Sallee grassy woodland of the Barrington plateau Black Sallee grassy woodland of the Barrington plateau
Blackbutt/ Rough-barked Apple/ Turpentine/ ferny tall open forest of the Central Coast Blackbutt/ Rough-barked Apple/ Turpentine/ ferny tall open forest of the Central Coast
Blackbutt/ Turpentine/ Sydney Blue Gum mesic tall open forest on ranges of the Central Coast Blackbutt/ Turpentine/ Sydney Blue Gum mesic tall open forest on ranges of the Central Coast
Blakely's Red Gum/ Mugga Ironbark shrubby open forest of the Western Slopes Blakely's Red Gum/ Mugga Ironbark shrubby open forest of the Western Slopes
Blakely's red gum/ Narrow-leaved ironbark/ Belah/ Brigalow woodland of the Liverpool Plains & Brigalow Belt South Blakely's red gum/ Narrow-leaved ironbark/ Belah/ Brigalow woodland of the Liverpool Plains & Brigalow Belt South
Blakely’s Red Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby woodland of the upper Hunter Blakely’s Red Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby woodland of the upper Hunter
Blakely’s Red Gum/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby woodland of central and upper Hunter Blakely’s Red Gum/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby woodland of central and upper Hunter
Blue Mountains Ash/ Turpentine shrubby tall open forest on rocky slopes of the lower North Coast Blue Mountains Ash/ Turpentine shrubby tall open forest on rocky slopes of the lower North Coast
Blue-leaved Ironbark/ Black Pine shrubby tall woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Pilliga area Blue-leaved Ironbark/ Black Pine shrubby tall woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Pilliga area
Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Swamp Mahogany/ Swamp Oak/ Saw Sedge swamp forest of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Swamp Mahogany/ Swamp Oak/ Saw Sedge swamp forest of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Swamp Oak/ Saw Sedge swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Swamp Oak/ Saw Sedge swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Broom Bush/ Allocasuarina gymnanthera heathy woodland on sandstone outcrops of the Sydney Basin Broom Bush/ Allocasuarina gymnanthera heathy woodland on sandstone outcrops of the Sydney Basin
Brown bloodwood/ Black Cypress Pine/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark heathy open forest of the Liverpool Plains & Brigalow Belt South Brown bloodwood/ Black Cypress Pine/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark heathy open forest of the Liverpool Plains & Brigalow Belt South
Brown Bloodwood/ Currawang/ Caley's Ironbark shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Brown Bloodwood/ Currawang/ Caley's Ironbark shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Brown Bloodwood/ Dwyer's Red Gum/ Red Ironbark heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Brown Bloodwood/ Dwyer's Red Gum/ Red Ironbark heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Brown Myrtle/ Lilly Pilly dry rainforest on ranges of the Central and lower North Coast Brown Myrtle/ Lilly Pilly dry rainforest on ranges of the Central and lower North Coast
Bulga Wattle low closed forest on sandstone slopes of the central Hunter Bulga Wattle low closed forest on sandstone slopes of the central Hunter
Bull Oak grassy woodland of the central Hunter Valley Bull Oak grassy woodland of the central Hunter Valley
Cabbage Gum/ +-Rough-barked Apple grassy woodland on alluvial floodplains of the lower Hunter Cabbage Gum/ +-Rough-barked Apple grassy woodland on alluvial floodplains of the lower Hunter
Cabbage Gum/ Broad-leaved Apple grassy woodland on alluvial floodplains of the lower North Coast Cabbage Gum/ Broad-leaved Apple grassy woodland on alluvial floodplains of the lower North Coast
Cabbage Gum/ Forest Red Gum/ Flax-leaved Paperbark Floodplain Forest of the Central Coast Cabbage Gum/ Forest Red Gum/ Flax-leaved Paperbark Floodplain Forest of the Central Coast
Cabbage Gum/ Grey Box/ Grey ironbark open forest on floodplains of the lower hunter Cabbage Gum/ Grey Box/ Grey ironbark open forest on floodplains of the lower hunter
Caley's Ironbark/ Red Ironbark/ Currawang shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Caley's Ironbark/ Red Ironbark/ Currawang shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Carex gaudichaudiana fens of the Northern Tablelands Carex gaudichaudiana fens of the Northern Tablelands
Coast Tea Tree/ Coast Banksia/ Ficinia nodosa low open shrubland on coastal foredunes Coast Tea Tree/ Coast Banksia/ Ficinia nodosa low open shrubland on coastal foredunes
Coast Tea Tree/ Old Man Banksia coastal shrubland on foredunes of the Central and lower North Coast Coast Tea Tree/ Old Man Banksia coastal shrubland on foredunes of the Central and lower North Coast
Coolibah/ Wilga woodland of the Liverpool Plains and Brigalow Belt South Coolibah/ Wilga woodland of the Liverpool Plains and Brigalow Belt South
Dwarf Apple/ Scribbly Gum heathy low woodland on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast Dwarf Apple/ Scribbly Gum heathy low woodland on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast
Dwarf Casuarina/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark/ Heath-leaved Banksia Coastal Heath of the Central Coast and lower North Coast Dwarf Casuarina/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark/ Heath-leaved Banksia Coastal Heath of the Central Coast and lower North Coast
Dwarf Casuarina/ Wallum Banksia heath on coastal headlands of Central Coast Dwarf Casuarina/ Wallum Banksia heath on coastal headlands of Central Coast
Dywer's Red Gum/ Fringe Myrtle heathy open woodland on sandstone plateau of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin Dywer's Red Gum/ Fringe Myrtle heathy open woodland on sandstone plateau of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin
Dywer's Red Gum/ Micromyrtus sessilis heathy open woodland on sandstone plateau of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin Dywer's Red Gum/ Micromyrtus sessilis heathy open woodland on sandstone plateau of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin
Eucalyptus serpentinicola / Allocasuarina ophiolitica/ Spinifex grass low mallee woodland on serpentinite of the lower North Coast Eucalyptus serpentinicola / Allocasuarina ophiolitica/ Spinifex grass low mallee woodland on serpentinite of the lower North Coast
Fern-leaf Banksia/ Needlebush/ Leptocarpus tenax/ Lepyrodia scariosa wet heath on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast Fern-leaf Banksia/ Needlebush/ Leptocarpus tenax/ Lepyrodia scariosa wet heath on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast
Fern-leaf Banksia/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark/Tantoon/ Leptocarpus tenax wet heath on coastal sands of the Central Coast and lower North Coast Fern-leaf Banksia/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark/Tantoon/ Leptocarpus tenax wet heath on coastal sands of the Central Coast and lower North Coast
Flax-leaved Paperbark/ Tall Sedge shrubland of the Sydney Basin Flax-leaved Paperbark/ Tall Sedge shrubland of the Sydney Basin
Flooded Gum/ Brush Box/ Tallowwood mesic tall open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast Flooded Gum/ Brush Box/ Tallowwood mesic tall open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast
Forest Red Gum grassy open forest on floodplains of the lower Hunter Forest Red Gum grassy open forest on floodplains of the lower Hunter
Forest Red Gum/ Broad-leaved Apple shrub/ grass woodland on serpentinite of the Nowendoc area Forest Red Gum/ Broad-leaved Apple shrub/ grass woodland on serpentinite of the Nowendoc area
Forest Ribbon Gum/ Snow Gum/ Snow Grass grassy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges and New England Tableland Forest Ribbon Gum/ Snow Gum/ Snow Grass grassy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges and New England Tableland
Giant Stinging Tree/ Sandpaper Fig dry subtropical rainforest at Mt Yengo Giant Stinging Tree/ Sandpaper Fig dry subtropical rainforest at Mt Yengo
Green Mallee/ Blue-leaved Ironbark shrubby woodland of the Brigalow Belt South Green Mallee/ Blue-leaved Ironbark shrubby woodland of the Brigalow Belt South
Grey Box Grassy open forest of the Central and Lower Hunter Valley Grey Box Grassy open forest of the Central and Lower Hunter Valley
Grey Box/ Grey Gum/ Rough-barked Apple/ Blakely's Red Gum grassy open forest of the central Hunter Grey Box/ Grey Gum/ Rough-barked Apple/ Blakely's Red Gum grassy open forest of the central Hunter
Grey Box/ Slaty Box shrub/ grass woodland on sandstone slopes of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin Grey Box/ Slaty Box shrub/ grass woodland on sandstone slopes of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin
Grey Gum/ Grey Box shrub/ grass open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Grey Gum/ Grey Box shrub/ grass open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Grey Gum/ Grey Myrtle/ Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Rusty Fig open forest on ranges of the Upper Hunter Grey Gum/ Grey Myrtle/ Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Rusty Fig open forest on ranges of the Upper Hunter
Grey Gum/ Red Gum/ Paperbark shrubby open forest on coastal lowlands of the Northern Sydney Basin and Lower North Coast Grey Gum/ Red Gum/ Paperbark shrubby open forest on coastal lowlands of the Northern Sydney Basin and Lower North Coast
Grey Gum/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby open forest of the lower Hunter Grey Gum/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby open forest of the lower Hunter
Grey Gum/ Scribbly Gum/ Black Pine heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Grey Gum/ Scribbly Gum/ Black Pine heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Grey Gum/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Blue-leaved Stringybark shrub/ grass open forest on coastal ranges of the Sydney Basin Grey Gum/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Blue-leaved Stringybark shrub/ grass open forest on coastal ranges of the Sydney Basin
Grey Ironbark/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Forest Red Gum shrubby open forest on Coastal Lowlands of the Central Coast Grey Ironbark/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Forest Red Gum shrubby open forest on Coastal Lowlands of the Central Coast
Grey Ironbark/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Smooth-barked Apple coastal headland low open forest of the Central Coast Grey Ironbark/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Smooth-barked Apple coastal headland low open forest of the Central Coast
Grey Mangrove low closed forest Grey Mangrove low closed forest
Grey Myrtle sheltered gully dry rainforest in gullies of the Sydney Basin Grey Myrtle sheltered gully dry rainforest in gullies of the Sydney Basin
Grey Myrtle/ Grey gum gully dry rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Grey Myrtle/ Grey gum gully dry rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Grey Myrtle/ Mountain Blue Gum/ Rough-barked Apple ferny tall open forest in sandstone gullies of the Sydney Basin Grey Myrtle/ Mountain Blue Gum/ Rough-barked Apple ferny tall open forest in sandstone gullies of the Sydney Basin
Heath-leaved Banksia/ Coral Fern wet heath on sandstone ranges of the lower Central Coast Heath-leaved Banksia/ Coral Fern wet heath on sandstone ranges of the lower Central Coast
Heath-leaved Banksia/ Olive Tea-tree/ Wallum Boronia wet heath on coastal sands of lower North Coast Heath-leaved Banksia/ Olive Tea-tree/ Wallum Boronia wet heath on coastal sands of lower North Coast
Hillgrove Gum shrubby open forest on to lower slopes of sandstone ranges of northern Sydney Basin Hillgrove Gum shrubby open forest on to lower slopes of sandstone ranges of northern Sydney Basin
Jackwood/ Lilly Pilly/ Sassafras riparian warm temperate rainforest of the Central Coast Jackwood/ Lilly Pilly/ Sassafras riparian warm temperate rainforest of the Central Coast
Jointed Twig-rush sedgeland Jointed Twig-rush sedgeland
Kangaroo Grass/ Coastal Rosemary grassland on coastal headlands Kangaroo Grass/ Coastal Rosemary grassland on coastal headlands
Large-fruited Grey Gum/ White Mahogany shrub/ grass open forest on the slopes of Barrington Tops and lower North Coast Large-fruited Grey Gum/ White Mahogany shrub/ grass open forest on the slopes of Barrington Tops and lower North Coast
Lepironia articulata sedgeland Lepironia articulata sedgeland
Leptospermum variabile rock outcrops shrublands of the Barrington Tops Leptospermum variabile rock outcrops shrublands of the Barrington Tops
Lilly Pilly/ Coachwood gully warm temperate rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Lilly Pilly/ Coachwood gully warm temperate rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Lilly Pilly/ Sandpaper Fig/ Prickly-leaved Tea Tree warm temperate rainforest of the Central Coast and lower Hunter Valley Lilly Pilly/ Sandpaper Fig/ Prickly-leaved Tea Tree warm temperate rainforest of the Central Coast and lower Hunter Valley
Lily Pilly/ Grey Myrtle/ Rasp Fern warm temperate rainforest on ranges of the Central and lower North Coast Lily Pilly/ Grey Myrtle/ Rasp Fern warm temperate rainforest on ranges of the Central and lower North Coast
Melaleuca biconvexa/ Swamp Mahogany/ Cabbage Palm swamp forest of the Central Coast Melaleuca biconvexa/ Swamp Mahogany/ Cabbage Palm swamp forest of the Central Coast
Melaleuca decora shrubland of the Central Hunter Valley Melaleuca decora shrubland of the Central Hunter Valley
Messmate grassy tall open forest of Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands escarpment Messmate grassy tall open forest of Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands escarpment
Messmate/ Die-hard Stringybark semi-mesic ferny tall open forest of Barrington Tops Messmate/ Die-hard Stringybark semi-mesic ferny tall open forest of Barrington Tops
Messmate/ Forest Ribbon Gum/ New England Blackbutt shrub/ grass tall open forest of Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands escarpment Messmate/ Forest Ribbon Gum/ New England Blackbutt shrub/ grass tall open forest of Barrington Tops and Northern Tablelands escarpment
Messmate/ Silvertop Stringybark/ Tussock Grass shrub/ grass open forest of western Barrington Tops Messmate/ Silvertop Stringybark/ Tussock Grass shrub/ grass open forest of western Barrington Tops
Monkey Gum/ Eucalyptus blaxlandii shrubby open forest on basalt of the Sydney Basin Monkey Gum/ Eucalyptus blaxlandii shrubby open forest on basalt of the Sydney Basin
Mountain Gum/ Brown Barrel/ Snow Gum shrub/ grass tall open forest of northern Barrington Tops Mountain Gum/ Brown Barrel/ Snow Gum shrub/ grass tall open forest of northern Barrington Tops
Mountain Gum/ Messmate/ Snow Gum grassy open forest of the New England Tablelands Mountain Gum/ Messmate/ Snow Gum grassy open forest of the New England Tablelands
Mugga Ironbark/ Black Pine shrub/ grass open forest of western upper Hunter Mugga Ironbark/ Black Pine shrub/ grass open forest of western upper Hunter
Narrow-leaved Apple/ Parramatta Red Gum/ Persoonia oblongata heathy woodland of the Howes Valley area Narrow-leaved Apple/ Parramatta Red Gum/ Persoonia oblongata heathy woodland of the Howes Valley area
Narrow-leaved Ironbark heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin and Brigalow Belt South Narrow-leaved Ironbark heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin and Brigalow Belt South
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Black Cypress Pine shrub/ grass woodland upper Hunter and northern Wollemi Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Black Cypress Pine shrub/ grass woodland upper Hunter and northern Wollemi
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Black Pine/ Narrow-leaved Wattle shrub/ grass open forest on sandstone slopes of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Black Pine/ Narrow-leaved Wattle shrub/ grass open forest on sandstone slopes of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Black Pine/ Sifton Bush heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Black Pine/ Sifton Bush heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Bull Oak/ Grey Box shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Bull Oak/ Grey Box shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Dwyer's Red Gum/ Common Fringe Myrtle heathy open forest of the Western Slopes Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Dwyer's Red Gum/ Common Fringe Myrtle heathy open forest of the Western Slopes
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Box grassy woodland of the central and upper Hunter Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Box grassy woodland of the central and upper Hunter
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Box/ Spotted Gum shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Box/ Spotted Gum shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Gum shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the upper Hunter Valley Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Gum shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the upper Hunter Valley
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Gum/ Native Olive woodland of Central Hunter Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Gum/ Native Olive woodland of Central Hunter
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Native Olive shrubby open forest of the central and upper Hunter Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Native Olive shrubby open forest of the central and upper Hunter
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Red Stringybark/ Black Pine woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Brigalow Belt South Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Red Stringybark/ Black Pine woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Brigalow Belt South
Narrow-leaved ironbark/ White Cypress Pine/ Bulloak dry open forest of the Liverpool Plains Narrow-leaved ironbark/ White Cypress Pine/ Bulloak dry open forest of the Liverpool Plains
Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Yellow bloodwood/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Yellow bloodwood/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Narrow-leaved Peppermint/ Forest Ribbon Gum grassy open forest of the New England Tablelands Narrow-leaved Peppermint/ Forest Ribbon Gum grassy open forest of the New England Tablelands
Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Fringe Myrtle/ Scaly Phebalium heathy woodland on exposed sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Fringe Myrtle/ Scaly Phebalium heathy woodland on exposed sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Grey Gum shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Grey Gum shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Ironbark heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the upper Hunter Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Ironbark heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the upper Hunter
Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Large-fruited Grey Gum shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Large-fruited Grey Gum shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Native Mock Olive/ Wilga woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South Native Mock Olive/ Wilga woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South
New England Blackbutt/ Diehard Stringybark shrubby open forest on the Northern Tablelands escarpment and Barrington Tops New England Blackbutt/ Diehard Stringybark shrubby open forest on the Northern Tablelands escarpment and Barrington Tops
New England Blackbutt/ Forest Ribbon Gum grassy tall open forest of the Northern Tablelands escarpment New England Blackbutt/ Forest Ribbon Gum grassy tall open forest of the Northern Tablelands escarpment
New England Blackbutt/ Tallowwood semi-mesic tall open forest at intermediate altitudes of lower North Coast New England Blackbutt/ Tallowwood semi-mesic tall open forest at intermediate altitudes of lower North Coast
Non Native Vegetation Non Native Vegetation
Old Man Banksia/ Rough-barked Apple/ Bangalay shrubby open forest on coastal sands of the Central Coast Old Man Banksia/ Rough-barked Apple/ Bangalay shrubby open forest on coastal sands of the Central Coast
Olive Tea-tree/ Crimson Bottlebrush/ Xanthorrhoea fulva wet heath on coastal sands of lower North Coast Olive Tea-tree/ Crimson Bottlebrush/ Xanthorrhoea fulva wet heath on coastal sands of lower North Coast
Paperbarks/ Woollybutt swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast Paperbarks/ Woollybutt swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast
Parramatta red gum/ Fern-leaved banksia/ Melaleuca sieberi swamp woodland of the Tomaree Peninsula Parramatta red gum/ Fern-leaved banksia/ Melaleuca sieberi swamp woodland of the Tomaree Peninsula
Parramatta Red Gum/ Narrow-leaved Apple/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark shrubby woodland in the Cessnock-Kurri Kurri area Parramatta Red Gum/ Narrow-leaved Apple/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark shrubby woodland in the Cessnock-Kurri Kurri area
Parramatta Red Gum/ Rough-barked Apple/ Swamp Mahogany/ Paperbarks swamp forest on lowlands of the Central Coast Parramatta Red Gum/ Rough-barked Apple/ Swamp Mahogany/ Paperbarks swamp forest on lowlands of the Central Coast
Pink Bloodwood/ Thin-leaved Stringybark/ Grey Ironbark shrub/ grass open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast Pink Bloodwood/ Thin-leaved Stringybark/ Grey Ironbark shrub/ grass open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast
Plains Grass grassland of the Liverpool Plains Plains Grass grassland of the Liverpool Plains
Plainsgrass/ Purple wiregrass/ Wallaby Grass grassland on basalt soils of the Merriwa plateau Plainsgrass/ Purple wiregrass/ Wallaby Grass grassland on basalt soils of the Merriwa plateau
Poplar box/ Wilga/ White Cypress grassy woodland of the Brigalow Belt South and Western Slopes Poplar box/ Wilga/ White Cypress grassy woodland of the Brigalow Belt South and Western Slopes
Prickly-leaved Paperbark paperbark forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Prickly-leaved Paperbark paperbark forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Prickly-leaved Paperbark/ Fern-leaved Banksia heath on coastal headlands of Central Coast Prickly-leaved Paperbark/ Fern-leaved Banksia heath on coastal headlands of Central Coast
Prickly-leaved Paperbark/ Flax-leaved Paperbark swamp forest on poorly drained soils of the Central Coast Prickly-leaved Paperbark/ Flax-leaved Paperbark swamp forest on poorly drained soils of the Central Coast
Red Bloodwood/ Smooth-barked Apple heathy woodland on coastal sands of the Central and lower North Coast Red Bloodwood/ Smooth-barked Apple heathy woodland on coastal sands of the Central and lower North Coast
Red Bloodwood/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Scribbly Gum/ Old Man Banksia heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast Red Bloodwood/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Scribbly Gum/ Old Man Banksia heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast
Red Bloodwood/ Sydney Peppermint/ Podocarpus spinulosus shrubby open forest of the southern Central Coast Red Bloodwood/ Sydney Peppermint/ Podocarpus spinulosus shrubby open forest of the southern Central Coast
Red Ironbark/ Brown Bloodwood/ Black Pine heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Red Ironbark/ Brown Bloodwood/ Black Pine heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Red Ironbark/ Grey Gum/ Black Pine heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Red Ironbark/ Grey Gum/ Black Pine heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Red Ironbark/ Grey Gum/ Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Brown Bloodwood shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Red Ironbark/ Grey Gum/ Narrow-leaved Stringybark/ Brown Bloodwood shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Red Ironbark/ Spotted Gum/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark shrubby open forest of the lower Hunter Red Ironbark/ Spotted Gum/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark shrubby open forest of the lower Hunter
Ribbon Gum/ Parramatta Wattle/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Ribbon Gum/ Parramatta Wattle/ Rough-barked Apple shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
River Oak/ Purple Wiregrass/ Plains Grass grassy riparian forest of the Merriwa Plateau River Oak/ Purple Wiregrass/ Plains Grass grassy riparian forest of the Merriwa Plateau
River Oak/ Rough-barked Apple grassy riparian forest of the Liverpool Plains River Oak/ Rough-barked Apple grassy riparian forest of the Liverpool Plains
River Oak/ Sandpaper Fig riparian forest of the Upper Hunter and Liverpool Ranges River Oak/ Sandpaper Fig riparian forest of the Upper Hunter and Liverpool Ranges
River Oak/ White Cedar Grassy Riparian Forest of the Dungog Area and Liverpool Ranges River Oak/ White Cedar Grassy Riparian Forest of the Dungog Area and Liverpool Ranges
River Red Gum/ Plains Grass grassy riparian woodland of the Liverpool Plains & Brigalow Belt South River Red Gum/ Plains Grass grassy riparian woodland of the Liverpool Plains & Brigalow Belt South
River Red Gum/ River Oak grassy riparian forest of the Liverpool Plains and Nandewar Bioregion River Red Gum/ River Oak grassy riparian forest of the Liverpool Plains and Nandewar Bioregion
River Red Gum/ River Oak grassy riparian woodland of the Hunter Valley River Red Gum/ River Oak grassy riparian woodland of the Hunter Valley
Rock outcrops shrublands complex of the lower North Coast Rock outcrops shrublands complex of the lower North Coast
Rosewood/ Brown Beech sub-tropical rainforest on ranges of the lower North Coast and Barrington Tops Rosewood/ Brown Beech sub-tropical rainforest on ranges of the lower North Coast and Barrington Tops
Rough-barked Apple grass/ forb riparian open forest in sandstone gullies of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin Rough-barked Apple grass/ forb riparian open forest in sandstone gullies of the upper Hunter and Sydney Basin
Rough-barked Apple grassy tall woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South Rough-barked Apple grassy tall woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South
Rough-barked Apple/ Black Pine/ Blakely's Red Gum tall woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Brigalow Belt South Rough-barked Apple/ Black Pine/ Blakely's Red Gum tall woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Brigalow Belt South
Rough-barked Apple/ Blakely's Red Gum/ River Red Gum-Dirty Gum intergrades grassy tall woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Brigalow Belt South Rough-barked Apple/ Blakely's Red Gum/ River Red Gum-Dirty Gum intergrades grassy tall woodlands on sandstone substrates of the Brigalow Belt South
Rough-barked Apple/ Forest Oak/ Grey Gum grassy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Rough-barked Apple/ Forest Oak/ Grey Gum grassy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Rough-barked Apple/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Blakely’s Red Gum/ Bull Oak/ Coast Banksia woodland on sands of the Warkworth area Rough-barked Apple/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Blakely’s Red Gum/ Bull Oak/ Coast Banksia woodland on sands of the Warkworth area
Rough-barked Apple/ Tree Violet grassy open forest on sheltered sites of the Liverpool Range Rough-barked Apple/ Tree Violet grassy open forest on sheltered sites of the Liverpool Range
Rusty Fig/ Native Quince/ Native Olive/ dry rainforest of the Central Hunter Valley Rusty Fig/ Native Quince/ Native Olive/ dry rainforest of the Central Hunter Valley
Saltmarsh/ Estuarine Complex Saltmarsh/ Estuarine Complex
Sandpaper Fig/ Whalebone Tree warm temperate rainforest Sandpaper Fig/ Whalebone Tree warm temperate rainforest
Sassafras warm temperate rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Sassafras warm temperate rainforest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Sassafras/ Grey Possumwood warm temperate rainforest of the New England escarpment Sassafras/ Grey Possumwood warm temperate rainforest of the New England escarpment
Sassafras/ Prickly Ash/ Lilly Pilly warm temperate rainforest on ranges of the Barrington Tops and lower North Coast Sassafras/ Prickly Ash/ Lilly Pilly warm temperate rainforest on ranges of the Barrington Tops and lower North Coast
Scribbly Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Bossiaea rhombifolia heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Scribbly Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Bossiaea rhombifolia heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Scribbly Gum/ Red Bloodwood/ Angophora inopina heathy woodland on lowlands of the Central Coast Scribbly Gum/ Red Bloodwood/ Angophora inopina heathy woodland on lowlands of the Central Coast
Scribbly Gum/ Red Bloodwood/ Old Man Banksia heathy woodland of southern Central Coast Scribbly Gum/ Red Bloodwood/ Old Man Banksia heathy woodland of southern Central Coast
Scribbly Gum/ Sydney Peppermint/ Smooth-barked Apple heathy woodland on residual sands of the Quorrobolong area Scribbly Gum/ Sydney Peppermint/ Smooth-barked Apple heathy woodland on residual sands of the Quorrobolong area
Scribbly gum/ Wallum banksia/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark heathy coastal woodland on coastal lowlands Scribbly gum/ Wallum banksia/ Prickly-leaved Paperbark heathy coastal woodland on coastal lowlands
Shatterwood dry rainforest on ranges of the lower North Coast Shatterwood dry rainforest on ranges of the lower North Coast
Silvertop Stringybark/ Boxthorn woodland on basalt of the Nullo Mountain area Silvertop Stringybark/ Boxthorn woodland on basalt of the Nullo Mountain area
Silvertop Stringybark/ Forest Ribbon Gum grassy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges Silvertop Stringybark/ Forest Ribbon Gum grassy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges
Silvertop Stringybark/ Messmate/ Sydney Blue Gum moist shrub/ grass tall open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast Silvertop Stringybark/ Messmate/ Sydney Blue Gum moist shrub/ grass tall open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast
Silvertop Stringybark/ Rough-barked Apple/ Bundy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges and Northern Tablelands escarpment Silvertop Stringybark/ Rough-barked Apple/ Bundy open forest of the Liverpool Ranges and Northern Tablelands escarpment
Silvertop Stringybark/ Tussock Grass grassy open forest of the Northern Tablelands escarpment and Barrington Tops Silvertop Stringybark/ Tussock Grass grassy open forest of the Northern Tablelands escarpment and Barrington Tops
Silvertop Stringybark/ White Box grassy open forest of the slopes of the upper Hunter and Liverpool Ranges Silvertop Stringybark/ White Box grassy open forest of the slopes of the upper Hunter and Liverpool Ranges
Silvertop Stringybark/ Yellow Box grassy open forest of the eastern Liverpool Range Silvertop Stringybark/ Yellow Box grassy open forest of the eastern Liverpool Range
Small-fruited Grey Gum/ Turpentine/ Tallowwood moist open forest on foothills of the lower North Coast Small-fruited Grey Gum/ Turpentine/ Tallowwood moist open forest on foothills of the lower North Coast
Smooth-barked Apple open forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast Smooth-barked Apple open forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast
Smooth-barked Apple/ Blackbutt heathy open forest of the Tomaree Peninsula Smooth-barked Apple/ Blackbutt heathy open forest of the Tomaree Peninsula
Smooth-barked Apple/ Blackbutt/ Old Man Banksia woodland on coastal sands of the Central and Lower North Coast Smooth-barked Apple/ Blackbutt/ Old Man Banksia woodland on coastal sands of the Central and Lower North Coast
Smooth-barked Apple/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Red Bloodwood heathy low open forest on hills of the Tomaree Peninsula Smooth-barked Apple/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Red Bloodwood heathy low open forest on hills of the Tomaree Peninsula
Smooth-barked Apple/ Cabbage Palm/ Broad-leaved Mahogany woodland on Wallarah Peninsular Smooth-barked Apple/ Cabbage Palm/ Broad-leaved Mahogany woodland on Wallarah Peninsular
Smooth-barked Apple/ Red Bloodwood/ Brown Stringybark/ Hairpin Banksia heathy open forest of coastal lowlands Smooth-barked Apple/ Red Bloodwood/ Brown Stringybark/ Hairpin Banksia heathy open forest of coastal lowlands
Smooth-barked Apple/ Red Bloodwood/ Scribbly Gum grass/ shrub woodland on lowlands of the Central Coast Smooth-barked Apple/ Red Bloodwood/ Scribbly Gum grass/ shrub woodland on lowlands of the Central Coast
Smooth-barked Apple/ Red Mahogany/ Swamp Mahogany/ Melaleuca sieberi heathy swamp woodland of coastal lowlands Smooth-barked Apple/ Red Mahogany/ Swamp Mahogany/ Melaleuca sieberi heathy swamp woodland of coastal lowlands
Smooth-barked Apple/ Swamp Mahogany/ Red Mahogany/ Cabbage Palm open forest on lowlands of the Central Coast Smooth-barked Apple/ Swamp Mahogany/ Red Mahogany/ Cabbage Palm open forest on lowlands of the Central Coast
Smooth-barked Apple/ Turpentine/ Blackbutt open forest on ranges of the Central Coast Smooth-barked Apple/ Turpentine/ Blackbutt open forest on ranges of the Central Coast
Smooth-barked Apple/ Turpentine/ Sydney Peppermint heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast Smooth-barked Apple/ Turpentine/ Sydney Peppermint heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast
Smooth-barked Apple/ White Stringybark/ Red Mahogany/ Melaleuca sieberi shrubby open forest on lowlands of the lower North Coast Smooth-barked Apple/ White Stringybark/ Red Mahogany/ Melaleuca sieberi shrubby open forest on lowlands of the lower North Coast
Snow Gum/ Black Sallee shrub/ grass open forest of the Barrington plateau Snow Gum/ Black Sallee shrub/ grass open forest of the Barrington plateau
Snow Gum/ Mountain Gum grassy open forest on the Barrington plateau Snow Gum/ Mountain Gum grassy open forest on the Barrington plateau
Socketwood/ Lilly Pilly dry sub-tropical rainforest in Towarri NP and Cedar Brush NR Socketwood/ Lilly Pilly dry sub-tropical rainforest in Towarri NP and Cedar Brush NR
Spirodella freshwater wetland Spirodella freshwater wetland
Spotted Gum/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Grey Gum grass/ shrub open forest on Coastal Lowlands of the Central Coast Spotted Gum/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Grey Gum grass/ shrub open forest on Coastal Lowlands of the Central Coast
Spotted Gum/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Red Ironbark shrubby open forest Spotted Gum/ Broad-leaved Mahogany/ Red Ironbark shrubby open forest
Spotted Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark / Red Ironbark shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter Spotted Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark / Red Ironbark shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter
Spotted Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter Spotted Gum/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark shrub/ grass open forest of the central and lower Hunter
Spotted Gum/ Red Ironbark/ Grey Gum shrub/ grass open forest of the lower Hunter Spotted Gum/ Red Ironbark/ Grey Gum shrub/ grass open forest of the lower Hunter
Spotted Gum/ Red Ironbark/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Box shrub/grass open forest of the lower Hunter Spotted Gum/ Red Ironbark/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Grey Box shrub/grass open forest of the lower Hunter
Swamp Mahogany/ Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Saw Sedge/ Yellow Masrh Flower swamp forest of coastal lowlands Swamp Mahogany/ Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Saw Sedge/ Yellow Masrh Flower swamp forest of coastal lowlands
Swamp Mahogany/ Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Swamp Water Fern/ Plume Rush swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Swamp Mahogany/ Broad-leaved Paperbark/ Swamp Water Fern/ Plume Rush swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Swamp Mahogany/ Flax-leaved Paperbark swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast Swamp Mahogany/ Flax-leaved Paperbark swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast
Swamp Mahogany/ Paperbarks/ Harsh Ground Fern swamp forest of the Central Coast Swamp Mahogany/ Paperbarks/ Harsh Ground Fern swamp forest of the Central Coast
Swamp Oak swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Swamp Oak swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Swamp Oak/ Prickly Paperbark/ Tall Sedge swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Swamp Oak/ Prickly Paperbark/ Tall Sedge swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Swamp Oak/ Sea Rush/ Baumea juncea swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Swamp Oak/ Sea Rush/ Baumea juncea swamp forest on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Swamp Oak/ Weeping Grass grassy riparian forest of the Hunter Valley Swamp Oak/ Weeping Grass grassy riparian forest of the Hunter Valley
Swamp paperbark/ Baumea juncea swamp shrubland on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast Swamp paperbark/ Baumea juncea swamp shrubland on coastal lowlands of the Central Coast and Lower North Coast
Sydney Blue Gum/ Lilly Pilly mesic tall open forest of coastal ranges and tablelands escarpment Sydney Blue Gum/ Lilly Pilly mesic tall open forest of coastal ranges and tablelands escarpment
Sydney Blue Gum/ New England Blackbutt/ Whitetop Box moist shrub/ grass tall open forest of the lower North Coast Sydney Blue Gum/ New England Blackbutt/ Whitetop Box moist shrub/ grass tall open forest of the lower North Coast
Sydney Blue Gum/ Silvertop Stringybark grassy open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast Sydney Blue Gum/ Silvertop Stringybark grassy open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast
Sydney Blue Gum/ Tallowwood semi-mesic tall open forest at intermediate altitudes of the lower North Coast Sydney Blue Gum/ Tallowwood semi-mesic tall open forest at intermediate altitudes of the lower North Coast
Sydney Peppermint/ Grey Gum heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Sydney Peppermint/ Grey Gum heathy open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Sydney Peppermint/ Narrow-leaved Stringybark semi-mesic open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Sydney Peppermint/ Narrow-leaved Stringybark semi-mesic open forest on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Sydney Peppermint/ Silvertop Ash/ Gymea Lilly ferny woodland on lowlands of the Central Coast Sydney Peppermint/ Silvertop Ash/ Gymea Lilly ferny woodland on lowlands of the Central Coast
Tall Spike Rush freshwater wetland Tall Spike Rush freshwater wetland
Tallowwood/ Brush Box/ Sydney Blue Gum moist shrubby tall open forest on foothills of the lower North Coast Tallowwood/ Brush Box/ Sydney Blue Gum moist shrubby tall open forest on foothills of the lower North Coast
Tallowwood/ Small-fruited Grey Gum/ Kangaroo Grass grassy tall open forest on foothills of the lower North Coast Tallowwood/ Small-fruited Grey Gum/ Kangaroo Grass grassy tall open forest on foothills of the lower North Coast
Tallowwood/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Blackbutt grass tall open forest of the Central and lower North Coast Tallowwood/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Blackbutt grass tall open forest of the Central and lower North Coast
Tallowwood/ Spotted Gum/ Grey Gum grassy tall open forest of the lower North Coast Tallowwood/ Spotted Gum/ Grey Gum grassy tall open forest of the lower North Coast
Tallowwood/ Sydney Blue Gum shrub/ grass tall open forest on ranges of lower North Coast Tallowwood/ Sydney Blue Gum shrub/ grass tall open forest on ranges of lower North Coast
Tantoon/ Lepyrodia leptocaulis shrubland on sandstone drainage lines of the Sydney Basin Tantoon/ Lepyrodia leptocaulis shrubland on sandstone drainage lines of the Sydney Basin
Thin-leaved Stringybark/ Grey Gum/ Broad-leaved Apple shrub/ grass tall open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast Thin-leaved Stringybark/ Grey Gum/ Broad-leaved Apple shrub/ grass tall open forest on ranges of the lower North Coast
Tuckeroo/ Lilly Pilly/ Coast Banksia littoral rainforest Tuckeroo/ Lilly Pilly/ Coast Banksia littoral rainforest
Tuckeroo/ Yellow Tulipwood/ Red fruited Olive Plum Littoral Rainforest of the lower North Coast Tuckeroo/ Yellow Tulipwood/ Red fruited Olive Plum Littoral Rainforest of the lower North Coast
Tumbledown Red Gum/ Spinifex grass heathy low open woodland on sandstone slopes of the Sydney Basin Tumbledown Red Gum/ Spinifex grass heathy low open woodland on sandstone slopes of the Sydney Basin
Turpentine/ Rough-barked Apple/ Forest Oak moist shrubby tall open forest of the Central Coast Turpentine/ Rough-barked Apple/ Forest Oak moist shrubby tall open forest of the Central Coast
Turpentine/ Rough-barked Apple/ Mountain Blue Gum shrubby open forest on ranges of the Sydney Basin Turpentine/ Rough-barked Apple/ Mountain Blue Gum shrubby open forest on ranges of the Sydney Basin
Turpentine/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Broad-leaved Mahogany shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast Turpentine/ Smooth-barked Apple/ Broad-leaved Mahogany shrubby open forest on sandstone ranges of the Central Coast
Typha rushland Typha rushland
Wallum Banksia / Monotoca scoparia heath on coastal sands of the Central Coast and lower North Coast Wallum Banksia / Monotoca scoparia heath on coastal sands of the Central Coast and lower North Coast
Wallum Bottlebrush/ Leptocarpus tenax/ Baloskion pallens wallum sedge heath of the lower North Coast Wallum Bottlebrush/ Leptocarpus tenax/ Baloskion pallens wallum sedge heath of the lower North Coast
Water Couch/ Tall Spike Rush freshwater wetland of the Central Coast and lower Hunter Water Couch/ Tall Spike Rush freshwater wetland of the Central Coast and lower Hunter
Weeping Lilly Pilly/ Water Gum riparian warm temperate rainforest of the lower North Coast Weeping Lilly Pilly/ Water Gum riparian warm temperate rainforest of the lower North Coast
Weeping Myall/ Cooba/ Wilga shrubland of the Hunter Valley Weeping Myall/ Cooba/ Wilga shrubland of the Hunter Valley
Weeping Myall/ Plains Grass grassy open woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South Weeping Myall/ Plains Grass grassy open woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South
Western Rosewood/ Wilga woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South Western Rosewood/ Wilga woodlands of the Brigalow Belt South
Whalebone Tree/ Red Kamala dry subtropical rainforest of the lower Hunter River Whalebone Tree/ Red Kamala dry subtropical rainforest of the lower Hunter River
Whipstick Mallee Ash/ Casuarina/ Baeckea brevifolia mallee woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Whipstick Mallee Ash/ Casuarina/ Baeckea brevifolia mallee woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Whipstick Mallee Ash/ Yertchuk heathy mallee woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Whipstick Mallee Ash/ Yertchuk heathy mallee woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
White Box grassy woodland on basalt soils of the upper Hunter and Liverpool Plains White Box grassy woodland on basalt soils of the upper Hunter and Liverpool Plains
White Box/ Black Cypress Pine shrubby woodland of the Western Slopes White Box/ Black Cypress Pine shrubby woodland of the Western Slopes
White Box/ Boxthorn shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin White Box/ Boxthorn shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
White Box/ Grass Tree/ Spinifex woodland of the Upper Hunter White Box/ Grass Tree/ Spinifex woodland of the Upper Hunter
White Box/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Blakely's Red Gum shrubby open forest of the central and upper Hunter White Box/ Narrow-leaved Ironbark/ Blakely's Red Gum shrubby open forest of the central and upper Hunter
White Box/ Red Box shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin White Box/ Red Box shrubby woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
White Box/ Sticky Daisy Bush/ Bead Bush shrubby woodland with semi-evergreen vine thicket elements of the Central Hunter Valley White Box/ Sticky Daisy Bush/ Bead Bush shrubby woodland with semi-evergreen vine thicket elements of the Central Hunter Valley
White Box/ White Cypress Pine/ Native Mock Olive woodland of the Liverpool Plains White Box/ White Cypress Pine/ Native Mock Olive woodland of the Liverpool Plains
White Box/ White Cypress Pine/ Native Olive woodland of upper Hunter and northern Wollemi White Box/ White Cypress Pine/ Native Olive woodland of upper Hunter and northern Wollemi
White Mahogany/ Spotted Gum/ Grey Myrtle semi-mesic shrubby open forest of the central and lower Hunter Valley White Mahogany/ Spotted Gum/ Grey Myrtle semi-mesic shrubby open forest of the central and lower Hunter Valley
White Mahogany/ Turpentine moist shrubby tall open forest White Mahogany/ Turpentine moist shrubby tall open forest
Woolly Waterlily/ Sand Couch coastal freshwater wetland Woolly Waterlily/ Sand Couch coastal freshwater wetland
Yellow Bloodwood/ Narrow-leaved Apple heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Yellow Bloodwood/ Narrow-leaved Apple heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
Yellow Bloodwood/ Red Bloodwood/ Brown Stringybark shrub/ grass open forest in the Cessnock-Kurri Kurri area Yellow Bloodwood/ Red Bloodwood/ Brown Stringybark shrub/ grass open forest in the Cessnock-Kurri Kurri area
Yellow Box grassy woodland on basalt soils of the upper Hunter Yellow Box grassy woodland on basalt soils of the upper Hunter
Yellow Box/ Rough-barked Apple grassy woodland of the upper Hunter and Liverpool Plains Yellow Box/ Rough-barked Apple grassy woodland of the upper Hunter and Liverpool Plains
Yertchuck/ Grey Gum heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin Yertchuck/ Grey Gum heathy woodland on sandstone ranges of the Sydney Basin
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