Description: This spatial dataset identifies areas of land showing the extent of acid sulfate soils. Acid sulfate soils have been classified into 5 different classes based on the likelihood of the acid sulfate soils being present in particular areas and at certain depths. * Class 1: Acid sulfate soils in a class 1 area are likely to be found on and below the natural ground surface. * Class 2 : Acid sulfate soils in a class 2 area are likely to be found below the natural ground surface. * Class 3: Acid sulfate soils in a class 3 area are likely to be found beyond 1 metre below the natural ground surface. * Class 4: Acid sulfate soils in a class 4 area are likely to be found beyond 2 metres below the natural ground surface. * Class 5: Acid sulfate soils are not typically found in Class 5 areas. Areas classified as Class 5 are located within 500 metres on adjacent class 1,2,3 or 4 land. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This Spatial dataset shows land that has been identified as the Drinking Water Catchment. Development in the Drinking water catchment land must adhere to local provisions clause within the LEP or per the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Drinking Water Catchment) 2011 where SEPP applies. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the presence of vulnerable groundwater resources as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument. The data shows show the vulnerability (or level of risk) of aquifers to contamination relating to physical characteristics of the location, such as the depth to the water table and soil type. contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to presence of mineral and extractive resources, as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI). The specific EPI which defines the planning requirement is described in the dataset next to the Mineral and Extractive value and this EPI can be investigated on the NSW legislation website Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the Obstacle Limitations Surface for certain airports, as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI). The Environmental Planning Instrument (EPI) contains provisions relating to airspace operations, and restricts certain development that penetrates the identified surface. These are "Additional Local Provisions" that can be found in Part 6 or Part 7 of the EPI. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist to reduce impacts in riparian lands and watercourses, as designated by a NSW environmental planning instrument. Riparian lands are a transition zone between the land and the watercourse that is important for maintaining or improving the shape, stability and ecological functions of a watercourse. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the presence of salinity, to ensure the effects of development are minimised and mitigated, as designated by a NSW environmental planning instrument. Salinity is the accumulation of salt in land and water to a level that damages the natural and built environment. Salinity usually occurs with other natural resource problems such as decreasing soil and water quality, erosion and loss of native vegetation Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist to reduce visual impacts in scenic areas, as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the presence of terrestrial biodiversity as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument. The data identifies areas of biodiversity in NSW. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the presence of wetlands, as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument. The NSW Wetlands Policy promotes the sustainable conservation, management and use of the state’s wetlands Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies environmentally sensitive lands that are subject to "Additional Local Provisions" found in Part 6 (or Part 7) of the Local Environment Plan. Local provisions help to augment existing zoning in order to ensure that special environmental features are considered. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...