Description: This spatial dataset identifies the land where development implications exist due to the risk of flood as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI). The specific EPI which defines the planning requirement is described in the dataset. Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...
Description: This spatial dataset identifies land where development implications exist due to the Landslide Risk for certain areas as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI). The Environmental Planning Instrument (EPI) contains provisions relating to landslide susceptibility conditions and identifies the how risks of development are managed .These are "Additional Local Provisions" that can be found in Part 6 of the EPI Contact for a data package (shapefile)
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: EPI Name, length: 150
, Coded Values:
[Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010: Albury Local Environmental Plan 2010]
, [Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012: Armidale Dumaresq Local Environmental Plan 2012]
, [Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013: Ashfield Local Environmental Plan 2013]
, ...276 more...